Introduction to Terrorism

To introduce the topic of your Controlled Assessment, I want you to answer the following two questions about terrorism by clicking on the “Leave a comment” button below:

1. What do you think terrorism is?
2. Give an example of a terrorist attack and explain what happened.


1. Terrorism is a sensitive and controversial topic. Be careful what you write so as to not offend other people who may read your comment.
2. Do not use your full name (WinstonC would be ok) and only supply your school email.

Mr Benson πŸ™‚

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35 Responses to Introduction to Terrorism

  1. Dan says:

    1)A person or group trying to scare others by for example dropping bombs which may kill people.Usually, terrorists are from extremist groups that have strong religious views.
    2)9/11.2 planes containing suicide bombers flew into the twin towers which caused them to collapse. This resulted in hundreds of people dying.

  2. j.baker says:

    1. i think terrorism is a group of terrorists who cause violence which attracts local attention , terrorism is used to convince things for example … to convince people that they dont like there goverment and want something to be done and there cause to be heard . terrorism can be shown by examplee .. plane hyjackings , kidnapping people , bomb threats .

    2. an example of terrorism is the assasination of president kennedy (usa) kennedy was shot by supposingly lee harvey aswald , kennedy was trying to put an end to the vietnam war which was bad for the people who got rich off it the manufactuars of weapon materials , and this is what made people hate kennedy aand resulted in him getting shot on 22nd november 1963 , although he was like and loved by many american people .

  3. Luke s says:

    1) I think terrorism is where someone or a group of people, intend to cause terror among people.

    2) An example of terrorist attack is the 7/7 bombings. this took place in London, where suicide bombers were place in buses to intentionally blow them up. This was to cause terror upon London.

  4. Adam S says:

    I think that Terrorism is an act or promise of an act that is executed to provoke public fear. I think that the reasons for these acts differ depending on who is responsible and who is the target.

    One example would be the 9/11 Attacks. This was an act of terror performed by Al-Qaeda under the lead of Osama Bin Laden. In total, four planes were hijacked by members of Al-Qaeda and of those, three hit their desired targets. Two were flown into the Twin Towers of the WTC and one was flown into the Pentagon. The other was believed to be aimed at the White House but, allegedly, the passengers overpowered the hijacker and it crash-landed in a field in Pennsylvania. Nobody on board any of the planes survived and, in total, nearly 3000 people died. There are many stories and theories that would suggest that the attacks were an ‘inside job’ and that the US Government know a lot more about the attacks than the public do. It is almost 10 years since the attacks took place.

  5. Elson says:

    What is terrorism?
    terror in many ways has been the weapon of groups who want their message heard, and want a political change, but do not feel that they have a way to be heard or have a voice. Terrorism is viewed as a means to be heard.

    for Example,
    9/11 were a series of four coordinated suicide attacks against targets in New York and Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2001. On that morning, 19 al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four passenger jets. The hijackers intentionally crashed two planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, both towers collapsed within two hours. Hijackers crashed a third plane into the Pentagon in Arlington,
    This is what Terrorism Is described has

  6. SBrown says:

    I think terrorism is unlawful violence used to intimidate or put fear into people.

    9/11 was when terrorists (Al-Qaeda) flew 2 planes into 2 of the World Trade Center buildings and killed about 3,000 innocent civilians. Shortly after the USA declared ‘A war on terror’.

  7. RyanT says:

    Terrorism is not new, and even though it has been used since the beginning of recorded history it can be relatively hard to define. Terrorism has been described variously as both a tactic and strategy; a crime and a holy duty; a justified reaction to oppression and an inexcusable abomination. Obviously, a lot depends on whose point of view is being represented. My point of view is alot of inocent people get killed for nothing.

    An example of a terrorist attack was 9 11 the attack on the twin towers in New York, people took over some aroplanes and flew them into the twin towers to blow them up and alot of inocent people where killed

  8. jordan green says:

    i think terroism is where a group of terroists decide to express their extreme views and opinions of things using violence which usually affects mases of people. An example of a terroist act is known as 9/11 where New Yorks twin towers were bombed by planes which killed thousands of people and injured thousands too. – Jordan G

  9. jordanG says:

    sorry i used my name and email my laptop didnt work before.

  10. KieranG says:

    1. I believe that terrorism is the use or threat of violence to portray or show a political view.
    2. A very well known and disastrous terrorist attack was the 9/11 bombing’s in America. The main thing that people are reminded of when they hear about 9/11 is most likely to be the attack on the twin towers, which were each hit by a plane. But people rarely know about two other planes, one hit the top-secret building called the pentagon, and another was thought to have been targeting the White-house, but the terrorist pilots were forced off course due to passengers rebelling against them, this led the plane to crash in a field in the US, this was not as well known to the general public. These attacks were thought to have been linked with the terrorist group “Al-Qaeda”. Due to this act of terrorism, many people were injured and killed.

  11. Luke B says:

    I think terrorism is a group of people like Al-Oaeda or the IRA which to thire supporters they are consiedered freedom fighters but to the people who are under attack they are considered evil. Terrorism is also a way for the terroist’s to get a powerful message across the world with a huge impact.

    An example of a terrorist attack is the 7/7 bombings which involed four suicied bombers from Al-Qaeda attacking central London by blowing trains on the London under ground in the rush hour when many people were on theire way to work, also many streets in London were attacked the result of the attack was 56 killed including four suiced bombers and another 700 wound. Later on that month on the 21 st of July another terrorist attack took place in London.

  12. Luke B says:

    I think terrorism is a group of people like Al-Qaeda or the IRA which to thire supporters they are considered freedom fighters but to the people who are under attack they are considered evil. Terrorism is also a way for the terroists to get a powerful message across the world with a huge impact.

    An example of a terrorist attack is the 7/7 bombings which involed four suicied bombers from Al-Qaede attacking central London by blowing up trains on the London under ground in the rush hour when many people were people on thire way to work, also many streets in London were attacked the result of the attack was 56 killed including four suicied and another 700 wounded. Later on that month on the 21st of July another terrorist attack took place in London.

  13. Bethany Ward says:

    1. What do you think terrorism is?
    I think Terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation to acheive a goal.
    2. Give an example of a terrorist attack and explain what happened.
    9/11 – On September the eleventh in New York the world trade centres were hit by two planes hundreds of people died traped in the towers and trying to escape.

  14. the josh AKA: speedy says:

    to me i think that terroism is a act made by criminals where they attack civilians by using exsplosives or other weapons to cause terror which causes deaths and serious injuiries towards people. i think that people may resort to terrorism because of wars,religons,belives or to cause terror,

    an event that i can think of and remember is the 7/7 bombings that happend in 2005. four suicide bombers set off four bombs 3 of them hit the underground trains accros london and a fourth on a double decker bus 52 people died and over 600 were injured the four sucide bombers also died.


  15. JacobD says:

    1. I think terrorism is where one person or a group of people do something for what they believe in or to get a message across.

    2. On 22nd July 2011, there was a bombing in Oslo, Norway killing 4 people. The attacker then went to UtΓΈya island and shot 69 people. He said the purpose of the attacks were to save Noway from a ‘Muslim takeover’.

  16. Mr.T says:

    i think terrorism is the use of force or violence against persons or property for the purpose of
    intimidation, or ransom. Terrorists often use violence and threats to create fear
    among the public, and to get immediate publicity for their causes.

    an example of a act of terrorism would be the 9/11 attack on America in September 11 2001 it was a coordinated attack where 4 planes were hijacked and 2 hit the worlds trades centre and one hit the Pentagon and the 4th one crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

  17. c jones says:

    Terrorism is a way of people trying to get what they want by intimadating people.

    9/11 terrorists hijacked several planes in USA then flew them into the world trade centre and the pentagon they also tried to fly a plane into the white house but the passengers overthrew the terrorists and crashed it in a field

  18. ChrisR says:

    Terrorism is when a group of people with different beliefs take part in violent acts to create fear in people. Groups such as Al Qaeda have different views on things such as politics and they show it through destruction.

    An example of a terrorist act is 9/11. This was when terrorists (thought to be Al Qaeda) hijacked 4 aeroplanes and planned to fly two into the twin towers, one into The Pentagon and one into The Whitehouse. Three of these planes succeeded in destroying The Pentagon and the Twin Towers, However the plane which was heading for The Whitehouse ended up in a field because passengers on the plane started fighting the hijackers and helped the plane avoid The Whitehouse.

  19. joek says:

    Terrorism is a group of people who do something serious to get there point across. A example of this is 9/11 where a terrorist group flew a plane with explosives on it in to the twin towers in USA

  20. Kieron hinchliffe says:

    It is a group of people who kill many peole or blow up something to get there point across to the world An example of terrorism is 9/11 this was a planned attack where two planes which were hijacked hit the twin towers causing many people to lose their lives

  21. NewfeldO says:

    1. Terrorism is when a group of people use violence to get something from the government.
    2. The attack on the Twin Towers on 11/9. Terrorists from al-Qaeda hijacked four planes. They crashed two into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York, causing them to collapse. The 3rd Plane crashed into the Pentagon and the last Plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.

  22. TomL says:

    1) When a group of people commit an act of violence against another group of people.
    2)The attack in Norway where Anders Brehing Brevik slaughtered young labour party members. He did this because he was angry at the government for what they let his country become.

  23. CharlotteN says:

    1. Terrorism is when someone or a group of people want to cause harm to themselfs and other people.
    2. An example of terrorism is the 7/7 London bombings, a series of suicide attacks happened on London’s public transport.

  24. r.taylor says:

    1. terrorism is where people blow things up to prove a point.
    2. the 9/11, a plane got hijacked and was crashed into the world trade centre

  25. James S says:

    terrorism is when a group of people threat to kill kill people or cause panic.9 11 is an example of terrorism . Two planes crashed into the twin towers after terrorist hijacked the planes this caused many deaths and injuries.

  26. kirsty H says:

    1. when someone or a group of people use violence to create fear.

    2. one incident of terrorism was in July 2005 when londons public transport system had been attacked on the 7th of july and then again 2 weeks later on July 21st. In these bombings 52 people died and more than 700 people were injured.

  27. LiamP says:

    terrorism is a atttack carried out by a religious or extremest group or people

    an example is the los angeles times bombing in which two union iron workers bombed the times newspaper building with 16 sticks of dynamite with a timed detonator in a suitcase bomb that from having a falty timer caused the explosives to be detonated at the wrong time causing 21 deaths and 100 injures to newspaper employees it happend at 1:07 am on october 1st 1910

  28. Leah B. says:

    terrorism is a group of people that commit vicious acts towards countries and cities for example when terrorists blew up twin towers in new york.

  29. JohnL says:

    terrorism is using fear to intimidate a group into doing what you want, an example of this is the 9:11 bombings where a group of muslim extremists crashed a plane into the world trade center.

  30. Big Daddy Z says:

    1. Terrorism is a violent act to strike fear and terror, these acts are normaly to do with religious and political views, and these acts are committed with no disregard to civilan safety.
    2. An example of an act of terrorism is 9 11, this is when an attempted suicide attacks happened to United States in New Yorks City and Washington D.C. , this when four airline planes were hijack and two crashed in to the World Trade Center (the twin towers) in New York, and one crashed in to the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia and the last one crashed in to a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after passengers attempted to take control before it could reach the hijacker’s intended target in Washington, D.C.

  31. JackW says:

    I think terrorism is a crime where tactical and strategic methods are used to attack a certain target.
    An example of a terrorist attack is 9/11. 9/11 was when terrorists from Al Queda took over an american airplane, and flew them into the World Trade Center (twin towers). There 2,977 victims, and shocked all of the world.

  32. JordanBeck says:

    1. Terrorism is a act of violence to cause terror and fear amongst the general public carried out by a single person or group of people with a cause i.e religion or political agenda.

    2. An example of a terrorist attack is the 9/11 attack on america by alqueda. on the 11th of September 2001 a group of terrorist hi’jacked four planes over america; one was targeted for the White house, another was targeted for the Pentagon and the remaining two were targeted at the world trade centre north and south towers. Two failed to hit their targets but the other two hit the world trade centre towers and caused over a thousand civilian deaths. This act of terrorism cause america to start a war against terrorism.

  33. ellis says:

    Terrorism is when planned systematic violence is used (or threats of violence) to intimidate a group of people, large or small, to achieve a pacific goal, usually involves political disagreement to a certain extent.

    An example of terrorism taking place is September the 11th, arguably the most high profile case. Two commercial passenger jets collided with the World Trade Center (commonly known as The TwinTowers). Furthermore an additional jet flew into the Pentagon the American military head quarters while the final high jacked airplane came down in Pennsylvania which is thought to have been heading to the White House the home of the American president at the time George W Bush.
    On September 11th 2001 19 Islamic extremist from a group named Al-Qaeda hijacked four passenger carriers. Once American Airlines flight 11 and United Airlines flight 175 crashed into the two skyscrapers the two buildings collapsed within two hours due to all the stress inflicted onto the buildings structure killing rescue teams within the building and also workers who were trapped high in the building, higher than where the collision occurred. People even began jumping from the floors where they we trapped. Also American Airlines flight 77 the third hijacked plane was intentionally flown into the pentagon, tragically killing 125 innocent civilians.The fourth and final hijacked aircraft United Airlines flight 93 was brought down by the passengers after they challenged the terrorists before it could reached its intended destination. The flight descended into a field unfortunately no one on the flight was ever to survive.
    Overall Nearly 3000 people died in the modern historical event, something that has had a major impact on America and the world and which will continue to do so for many years to come.

  34. rachel L says:

    Terrorism: The use of violence or war like acts, intended on striking fear, while disregarding the safety of innocent civilians.

    24th december 2000
    A wave of bombings erupted in churches across muslim Indonesia. The attacks were thought to have been against the countries Christians, another theory being that the bombs were intended to destabilize the nation just as it was getting back on it’s feet, politically and economically. In Jakarta alone at least seven churches were damaged in separate blasts. All bombings occurred between 9 and 9:30pm. 15 people were killed and at 96 injured. The attacks were strongly disapproved of, even by Jihad Warrior – a Muslim Extremist group. On January 17th, the Jakarta Post stated they had arrested eight suspects in connection with the Christmas Eve bomb attacks. Several sources reported Army involvement, but little evidence supported this claim.

  35. tom :D says:

    i think terrorism is when a person or group of people atempt to scare other people.
    it is useually caused through religion or political views

    an example of terrorism was 9/11 this happened by two plane crashing into the twin towers in new york al so one hit the pentagon this was caused by the al kiheda.

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